Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why ERAP is Popular

a former president who is convicted,
a deposed president who was convicted of plunder?
a sinner president who lacks the moral fiber to govern;
and who is now implicated in double murder?

yet he is popular. WHY?

Ask the press, the journalists and the media why?
Ask why reporters who keep on reporting and publishing every garbage he says?
Ask a field reporter who is star-struck every time he gets to interview the convicted plunderer;
Ask why reporters do'nt ask him direct questions?
Ask why publishers keep him in the media and in front pages of newspapers?
Ask why media cant simply IGNORE him?

is it because it boils down to getting "exclusive" news?
is it because erap sells newspapers and attracts ads?
is it because eraps calling radio stations give the hosts credibility?

Has media asked itself that ignoring him will do a lot of justice to this country
has media asked itself that reporting about him is not just about making money.
It is spreading truth and helping the masses rise from the pile of ignorance and  learn about the truth

In short ALL about him is a pile of muck NOT WORTH REPORTING.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cost Savings Of Cebu Pacific - A Security Nightmare

Once again, I have used Cebu Pacific on a return flight to Davao and on both occasions, we did not use the bridge that was designed to ferry passengers safely from the departure area to the plane and from the plane back to the airport.

But on this occasion as in many of the Cebu Pacific flights to and from Davao, plane is parked at the tarmac or at the docking bay but were not allowed to use the bridge. In so doing, passengers have to go down the tarmac and walk, yes, I repeat WALK to the airport. Here is what happened upon arrival at NAIA 3. Opening the rear door, the passengers at the rear went down the stairs, the passengers on the front row exited through the bridge at the front door but was instructed to go down the stairs of the bridge. All passengers walked  to the airport entrance for about 100 meters, went up one floor where the bridge meets the airport, walked all the way to the other end of the airport and then went down the stairs to the conveyor belt to get the checked in luggage. If one is handicapped and forgot to request for  assistance, then this is calvary. This airline may be promoting health to its passengers but this is unheard of.

 What happened to the airport tax that we pay? Is this the service we get for the P200 pesos we pay each time we use the airport. How come PAL and other airlines does not do this? What about the other taxes that are charged with the ticket?

I complained to the attendant and her reply was that this is one one gets for cheap fare. WHATTTTT? Not all passengers are paying cheap tickets, I complained because I paid a regular-priced ticket. But more seriously, such practice is a security nightmare. Getting passengers to roam around at the tarmac is inviting possible security breach to happen. What is the use of installing all those strict security procedures when one gets to roam at the tarmac? There are no security personnel there to watch, only Cebu Pacific Attendants. Why did ATO allow this?

Shall we wait for something dreadful and deadly to happen?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Doing Business at Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines - A reflection

Because my eldest son was born outside the Philippines during my six-year study stint in Europe, we need to get his original birth certificate from the country he was born in order to fill up his records here at the National Statistics office. The NSO referred us to the Consular Records Division of the DFA.

I took a half a day off from work on Thursday afternoon of October to work on the reconstruction of his birth certificate. I have a copy of the report of live birth I filed several months after the child was born at the Consular office of that country.

Taking the  jeep from Pasay rotunda MRT station, I alighted at the corner of FB Harison and walked towards DFA. The distance from the corner to DFA compound was probably 100 meters and walking through the distance, I was harassed by at least 10 men and women branding their large laminated IDs and offering assistance in the procurement of passport. The whole entrance to the passport processing was full of more ID weilding men and women. I could not imagine how DFA could allow such chaos around the area where our own countrymen are being gyped publicly by these jackals.

But my business is at the Consular Records Division, so I was referred to Gate 1. Upon entrance, a security guard asks what your business for entering, another one inspects your bag. I was carrying a camera because I need to do a photo session later that evening. I was informed rather brusquely by the guard named R. F. Sabala that cameras are not allowed. As I would not entrust  a very expensive camera to them, because they have no secure place to store it. They would simply issue a receipt and just put is on the table. These are very delicate and expensive instruments. I informed them that the camera are in separate pieces and could not be used. I inquired why they don't allow cameras but allow mobile phones with cameras. If cameras are banned for security purposes, then DFA must also prohibit all mobile phones with cameras. These mobile phones could take pictures discreetly in comparison with what I have which is a very bulky camera. I was wondering whether the issue with cameras has something todo with journalist rather than security. Knowing that these guards are just following orders hook line and sinker, arguing with them is a waste of time. I left my camera at the guard house and placed just  on top of the table.

 I was again halted in the main entrance of the building. I was informed that I was wearing a pair of sandals and it is DFA policy that sandals are not allowed. I could not believe what I heard because I was wearing a branded leather sandals that covered at least 50% of my feet. With the plan of going to Paranaque and Laguna later in the day where flooding occurs at a slight rain, sandals are, by call of the current times, the most appropriate footgear because I could remove it and put is back again once on dry land.

If indeed there is such a no-sandals policy, then this is such as STUPID and discriminatory because I could not imagine a poor Filipino who could not afford shoes going there to transact a business will not be allowed nor an Indigenous Filipino on a G-string being barred to transact business? Have we changed the definition of being a Filipino? I could not imagine someone from a flooded area to arrive there wearing shoes to transact business? Do we tell them to turn back and get a pair of shoes? Does this mean we are less a Filipinos for coming to DFA premises if we wear only sandals?

If the intention of that anti-sandal policy is INDECENCY, DFA should revisit the policy itself and also the definition of sandals. I think that the DFA policy refers to flip flops which have been been labelled synonymously with those sleek, and decent looking sandals use of sandals. And this is how the guards have selectively applied this to me because I had an earlier argument with them with my camera. While I was complaining about this ridiculous policy, I observed that more than 50% of the women visitors are wearing even slippers and these are allowed inside without a wink!!!!

If decency is the goal of that policy, then its definition based on what i experienced is exposure of 50% of my feet. Perhaps, DFA should look not just on my feet but to the half naked (but shapely women) roaming the corridors of DFA. Perhaps the indecency there is my non-pedicured nails which may be too much for our diplomats to look at?

But this is not the end of my story, I finally reached the office of the consular records division. There I waited not very long and finally, I transacted my business with a very nice person. I have requested for a reconstruction of the birth certificate of my son and explained the urgency of my need. I was informed that it will take 1- 2 months to accomplish this because this request will have to be officially transmitted with a cover letter and sent via the snail mail.

When i suggested that we could simply scan the file and send an email to the appropriate embassy, I was flatly informed that their office have no email facility and using electronic means is not an acceptable way of facilitating business. In our present flat world where everybody is connected by internet, that in a click of a mouse, one could send information halfway accross the world, i could not imagine DFA, the Foreign Affaris of the country, still depend on a very expensive and with a high carbon footprint way of delivering its mail services. If this is the kind of service that DFA delivers to its people, how could it serve efficiently  the over 10 million overseas Filipino workers?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Anatomy of the Metro Manila Flood Part II: What It taught Us

From Saturday evening, when flood waters rose to many low lying areas of Metro Manila, the entire city was caught unprepared. Rescue efforts started only several hours after frantic calls for help have reverberated to all media and government outlets. Only after people cling to their precious lives on rooftops.

Ondoy's teaching #I: Be prepared for any kind storm, no matter how small or how far. Be prepared as a community (rescue mission members organized and equipped and instructions on roles and responsibilities) and as a family or inidividual.

Ondoy's teaching #II Precautionary approach to disaster is better than rescue missions. Anticipate and let us not wait for disaster to happen before we act.

Ondoy's teaching #III Locally organized rescue and relief missions are better placed to handle disasters than nationally coordinated ones. This is true both for rescue and relief and mopping up operations. National coordination should simply provide necessary support and logistics to the local missions. This would prevent small areas from being left out.

1. Evacuation Centers - i could understand the use of school buildings as immediate solutions to locate victims but when such things happen in cities like metro Manila, the best place would be the Sports Complex like Rizal Colliseum, Amang Rodrigues Sports Center. Big churches could also be used. Sports complexes could handle more people, our problem with toilet facilities would be lessened, accomodate more people and more importantly, free the schools for the students to get back to school. In short, these structures were built to handle lots of people and therefore have more facilities than schhools have.

Evacuation centers need not be the immediate areas especially where conditions are not optimal. Moreover, sports complexes have gates that entry of people could be managed, thus eliminating a lot of non-calamity victims.

2. When disaster strikes, the first thing that develop countries do is call in the national guards to prevent looting. Had the police and military been immediately deployed, it would be easier to evacuate people because they will fell safer that their properties will not be stolen.

3. Again, in disaster activities, rescue and relief would be a lot more simple if we have an easy documentation system. But this is impossible when we do not have a 1) national ID, nor a 2) well documented list of addresses. Imagine the difficulty for a rescuer (particularly those new to the area) in locating an address and where all street names are under water. The numbering of houses are chaotic in many areas, and in places where we have illegal settlers, an individual identity card would go a long way under such circumstances.

WE, as a nation responded well and our generosity, volunteerism is very much alive within our hearts as Filipinos. But we could even be much much better, save more lives, if only we have the proper plan, infrastructure to support us.

Anatomy of the Metro Manila flood: Part I- It is Expected to Happen

It came to me as a no surprise that we have deadly floods in Metro Manila. The reasons are not because we have denuded our forest (well partly yes,), nor because of climate change, nor because the storm (mind you, only a category 2) that carried lots of rainfall. It is because of two main reasons:

First, we have cemented, asphalted and built over large tracks of land that rainwater could no longer be absorbed by the land. This is the natural process and in so doing replenish our ground water. So what happens when we covered and built over raw land, we simply diverted rainwater into small canals, sewage system(is there one?), reclaimed our small creeks (just compare today's map with those in 1950's), silted our major tributaries and built on or covered our catchment areas.

This last one is one of the two main reasons why we have disaster. People complained of high water along Pateros, areas around laguna lake, areas along marikina river. But you know what, these places like Provident subdivision and others are situated in FLOOD PLAINS. These are natural catchment areas. Nature has created it so that excess water will have someplace to go before they are drained out. The area and extend of these FLOOD PLAINS have been designed by nature over tens of thousand of years. It also tells us that nature has provided these catchment areas as there will be times when more rains will come that rivers and tributaries could not handle.

But our planners, architects, engineers and politician cum businessmen thought they know more. Who let and why were housing units were allowed to be built on these flood plains bespeak of extreme ignorance on laws of nature. How many times have we heard businessmen convince our planners that they will make a wasteland profitable?

Reason #2: We, as a family or individuals are not prepared. I grew up in Quezon province where i experienced typhoon almost every year. I learned in my early years the preparations we do everytime a typhoon is expected to hit us. At least two days before typhoon arrives, we make sure we have kerosene (or used oil)and matches for our light (we have no electricity then), we have enough batteries for our radio (to keep track of typhoon) and for our flashlight, we buy sufficient rice, salt and animal lard and dry firewood to last for a week, stock up water in two clay jars. To protect our house, we put support structures both at the lee and alee side, put used fish net and lots of weight on our roofs so it will not be blown away. To protect our crops, we trim excess leaves of the bananas and put extra support for the fruit bearing ones, trim excess branches of fruit trees. All our animals (pigs, chickens, ducks) are beneath our houses and extra fodder is collected. In short, imagine the amount of work just to prepare for the worst.

During the passage of the typhoon itself, it was fun for us kids to put those tin cans, pails and basins where our roof drips. This we need to keep our sleeping quarters dry. it is also a nice time with all family members present, a time for story telling, a time for prayers. Compare this with a typical Metro Manila family. Because it is a weekend and raining, most people are glued to their television set, or glued to the computer and children playing computer games. Unmindful of the threat of the storm, they go on with their normal weekend life. Only when the power was cut off did they realize that flood was fast rising. Not knowing what to do, the rest is history.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why You Too Should NOT Fly Cebu Pacific

When Cebu Pacific started operation using its DC9 planes, I have been their loyal customer and a gold miler at that despite the fact that their planes were older than 20 years. I simply trusted them, liked their very personal service, their on-board games, their spartan but pleasant summit lounges. I used to buy commuter pass and have been one of those that convinced a lot of people to try this company. In short, they were, at that time, far better than the national airline.

But when Cebu Pacific changed its fleet, it changed with it their way of doing business, from customer oriented service to pure profit using (rather abusing) the "value" airline concept.
Below are my reasons why:
1. Many (not sure if all)of their ticketing offices even at airports are private travel agencies, not in anyway attached to Cebu Pacific. Many of these ticketing offices charges additional service fees even at airports. Some scrupulous travel agencies add costs on offers of the cheapest rates.
2. Because of such setup, they are in no position to undertake changes in bookings (as in the case of Jakarta, Bangkok, Singapore)and one has to buy a ticket at a regular rate. SO BE CAREFUL WHEN TRAVELING TO THEIR REGIONAL DESTINATIONS. ENSURE NOT TO CHANGE YOUR SCHEDULE OR YOU WILL END UP BUYING AN EXPENSIVE REGULAR PRICED TICKET. (Tip: try other airlines, its cheaper)
3. Their baggage allowance is only 15 kg (10kg for small planes), not a bit more or you get to pay a hefty sum for excess baggage. Other airlines have 20 kg. If you are coming from abroad using other airlines, I advise you not to take this airline because all your savings will end up paying your baggages. They know how to exploit the culture of filipinos of bringing so many "pasalubongs".
4. When buying tickets on-line, never tick that no baggage because if you do, you will pay 400 pesos even if you only have a kilo to check in. I call this pure robbery. I wonder if this is legal.
5. When buying tickets on-line, the default is for you to get an insurance. Be careful to untick it. The only nice thing on line is they let you offset your carbon footprint by ticking that Panda of WWF. This should have been the default.
6. If you are plump, overweight (waistline over 36 inches), tall by filipino standard over 1.75 meter, this airline is not for you because seat distances between rows fit only small sizes comfortably. Their seatbelts are also very short. Unless of course you are willing to pay for their exit row seats which cost 200 pesos, I advise you to take up yoga or train to become a contortionist before taking the ride. CALLING ATTENTION OF ATO!! If we go by the rules of safety, the wider the rows the easier for people to get evacuated in emergencies.
7. Their marketing strategy rests on cheap ticket prices. Beware, the prices of tickets are the same for all the airlines, yet if you fly Cebu Pacific, you will have to buy your own food and water, there are no newspapers and you will freeze inside the plane because they carry no blankets. I just don't know if you need to pay for medicines for emergencies as I have not been sick.
8. Some flights of Cebu Pacific do not use the bridge because of cost saving measures. This is really one of the worst thing they do. Passengers pay for 200 pesos for airport tax but in some instances, eg in some Davao flights, the plane is parked on the tarmac where people use the stairs and walk to the arrival station, drench in rain or dried by sun, all because of savings, theirs, not yours.
9. On time 95% of the time? No longer and more likely the NOT on time 95% of the time. Airlines do not make money at the airports so the plane needs to be in the air most of the time. The consequence is that once the plane is late, it accumulates. A flight from Davao to Manila leaving at 8:30 pm finally took off at 12 midnight. They will offer food if the delay time is over four hours.
10. But their practice is not to inform the public immediately. They will inform of the delay on INSTALLMENT BASIS even if they knew before hand that the delay will be for several hours. This removes your posiblity of requesting for tranfer to another airline which they must shoulder!
11. Take note of their practice of telling people on their preflight announcement that flight duration is made longer by 10 minutes, such that upon arrival, they will boast that they arrive 10 minutes ahead of scheduled arrival. But this is announcement is done upon touchdown. How many times have we waited at the tarmac for over 10 minutes because the space where to dock is not yet free?
12. But the worst experience I have with this airline is when I was charged double on my credit card. I only realized this when I checked in where I am being charged for no-show for the same name, same flight, same date. It was only then I realized that they charged me twice.
13. It was good that they say they would rectify the problem and debit it back to may credit card. It is very bad because they did not tell me how long it would take. From the time I complained, it took them two months for their accounting to "process it" using with todays electronic technology. Today, three months later, the credit company still charges me with interest. I am still awaiting for the debit to be made.
14. I wont travel again on this airline. This is the only way to prevent number 15 to make it in this list.

I wish you revert back to your old planes and nice service.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Finding a Better Way: A Request to ADB

To the Management of ADB and MRT3,

This is an appeal to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Ortigas, Metro Manila Philippines and the MRT3 management

As a regular Metro Manila commuter using the light railway sytem, MRT3, the pedestrian access to ortigas area and malls around Ortigas Station is very narrow, particularly those going south. Along EDSA, this two-meter pedestrian lane is too small for such a huge number of pedestrians as the way is hindered by the support structures of the train station. The sidewalk becomes even smaller between ADB and the SM Megamall where the space shrinks to just a meter carved out of the roadside!

The way to ease flow of people is to request your office to provide another two meters of ADB's space, move the ADB circumferential fence to allow construction of additional pedestrian space. A cursory look at the expansion site sees no major use of the space immediately adjacent to the fence.

As the number of commutters will likely increase, please help us commuters to alleviate our great discomfort of queing and staying longer than necessary in the sidewalk that is heavily polluted. Let us also not wait for someone to be shoved into EDSA.

As the ADB premises I believe was donated by the Filipino people, perhaps it is fitting and proper to share some of it to suffering commuters.



Deafening Places: When Music Turns to Noise

Poets tell us that music is food of our souls. I fully agree as it soothes the spirit and connotes peace and tranquility. To appreciate music in such form, one needs a specially built music room or an earphone to experience the true purpose of music.

But somehow music, or more appropriately, NOISE appreciation has been redefined in Malls, public transport systems and other public places (including government buildings) of the Philippines. In most shopping malls, cacophony of songs from different stalls in ear-drum splitting volumes compete with the in-house music of the mall, complimented the sound generated by video games, karaoke stalls and the nerve-wracking bells from several stalls selling ice-cream and sweets. It is a jungle out there and definitely a no man's land for those with low noise tolerance.

What is surprising is that nobody notices, and nobody complains. Are we a nation of deaf people? No wonder, even our complaints are not heard by our leaders in government. They themselves have been afflicted by deafness.

There is certainly a law on noise pollution. The level of noise in these malls, jeepneys and buses and internet cafe's are way above normal tolerable levels and needs to be curbed. Each and every one of us has music preferences and that should be respected. Clearly, the playing of songs in public places are violative of individual rights to a peaceful surrounding. This is not to ban outright music, but to minimize its volume in appreciable levels.

There are few establishments that are quiet (Shangri-la to name one) because no songs are played and stalls do not also provide music. If music are played to entice costumers, it certainly will repulse me. Who will enjoy shopping when you are bothered by a loud music that is not even your choice and you need to shout to top of your voice to speak? Most retaurants, internet cafes too have blarring music. As many business transactions are done in restaurants, a peaceful and quite restaurant is hard to come by. Internet cafes are places where a lot of people work and study but could not concentrate because of too much disturbance both from music played and the rowdiness of people playing interactive games. Could we not classify internet cafes and gaming cafes separetely?

Even the MRT 3, the ads played on the speaker on a very loud volume is repeated over and over ad nauseam from end to end of the line. It plays continuously only to be interupted at every station by the driver for information.

We are a nation of deaf people, literally and figuratively. I call on our people and government to see, in case they could not hear, that noise levels in public places needs to be curbed at healthy decibels.Could the Department of Health of the Philippines do something about this? Could our politicians who are deaf by qualifications, do something?

Have'nt you noticed lately hearing aid stores mushrooming all over the city?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Whale Shark & Firefly Interactions: Some misactions

From obscurity to fame, the town of Donsol, Sorsogon, Philippines was placed on the tourism map for its whale shark and more lately, its firefly interactions. Its a conservation success story that reversed hunting of whale sharks for food and export to objects of wonder that became the backbone of the country's leading ecotourism destination. It has ignited an economic activity that spread throughout the region, propelling the town and adjacent areas to profit from sudden influx of tourist. From airlines, to hotels, transport system and tourism ancilliary industries, the whale shark interaction has breath life to otherwise deteriorating tourist destinations such as the Mayon Volcano.

The development of this tourism destination was made possible by support and cooperation of the local government, department of tourism, NGOs and support of global conservation agencies that ensured its proper development. Locally-trained Butanding Interaction officers (BIOs) guide tourist of rules and regulations, guide tourist to observe the whale shark and ensure safety at all times.

But somehow, the quality of service have deteriorated over the years. As a regular visitor to the area of the last five years, I have observed several issues that needs the immediate attention:

1. Some BIOs do not inform the guests of rules of interaction; as a result, tourists touch the whale shark and swimming too near the animal.
2. Wanton violation of interaction rules by BIOs: these include
a) obstructing the swimming of whale shark in order to please their guests. During my last interaction last May 28, 2009, four BIOs took turns to force the poor whale to surface and "corner" the animal.
b) One boat one whale shark policy - on this date, eight boats and guests numbering around 30 are chasing this poor animal.

This happens because of too few sightings towards the end of the season. BIOs and the pumpboats do it to please their guests. My questions are: who implement and enforce these rules. If violations occur, where should it be reported, to whom? What are the punishments for such violations?

Another issue is the use of these bulky life vests. While its use is a safety provision, it is not designed for use in swimming. Going after a whale shark creates so much resistance creating so much noise and disturbance on its wake and providing other swimmers a grand display of air bubbles. They hinder further movement of other swimmers. The DOT should consider use of more hydrodynamic life vest for not so good swimmers or perhaps, a glass bottom boats for these non-swimmers.

Another and a more serious issue is the amount of plastics floating in the water. Pet bottles, wrappers of food chips, plastic glass and bags abound in the interaction area, concentrated by unique current of the area. Some concrete actions need to be done and would need the cooperation of the whole town an adjacent areas.

The firefly interaction was great, the cresent moon providing the background light to the twinkling rhapsody of the firelies. With great interest, we asked questions to our interaction officer about the firefly only to end up with no additional information. These guides ought to be able to explain and provide some background information but wielded nothing but a guiding light from her flashlight. The communication skill is below par. While these interactions could provide jobs they should provide the services paid for. Perhaps, a reading material could prove better than these firefly guides.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Riding on Consumer Ignorance

We Filipinos seem to be so much pre-occupied with the rise and fall of pump fuel prices and blames oil companies. Some even goes to the extent of demanding probe of the companies' books. But it is not just fuel, it is also true for every commodity, be it rice, flour, meat, fish, vegetables, spare parts, and a million other commodities. So why raise hell for just one commodity? Why don't they similarly investigate the books of a fish or vegetable dealer, or even notebook and pencil manufacturers?

Consider this argument. The rise and fall of fuel pump prices is a consequence of global trade, of supply and demand, the cornerstone of free trade. We should be thankful that global recession has reduced demand for oil. But this wont last long. As the global economy picks up again (it is actually picking up), fuel prices would surely rise and would reach, if not breach its highest level.

Media news and articles prod the government to take action. In reality little could be done by government to suppress how companies price their products. It is free trade. Installing price control and subsidies is expensive, distort prices. Funds to support subsidies could be taken from support of basic services such as education, heath and social welfare. However, much more could be done by the consumers, which NEVER raise a howl and complain because it leaves this function to the government or through our jeepney and bus drivers, the latter do so for vested interest.

The consumers could do the following:
1. Efficient use of fuel and its derivaties - this would reduce demand for more oil. What happened in this country was that the low fuel prices has made every Juan de la Cruz return to excessive use of fuel, making unnecessary trips that triggered massive traffic jams and resulted in even more fuel being burned and more greenhouse gasses being emitted.

2. live a green lifestyle - reduce, reuse and recycle, be it from plastics, bottles, cans. Choose products that is free of fossil fuel and its derivaties.

3. pressure government to invest in renewable energies (REs) - this is where government needs to take action, invest in research, support companies that promote REs, promote low carbon development in all aspects of life and forget about letting the oil companies to lead on this RE development. They will simply hinder it. Q: Why do you think electric cars never took off? A: because a major US-based company bought the patent of electric cars and simply don't want to produce them. They bought the patent so nobody could promote it.

4. don't believe everything what the media tell us - Many of us are ignorant on the economics of market and trade. Because of this, the media (whether knowingly and unknowingly)manipulates what they want the public to hear and to believe. READ and BE informed of both sides of the issue. Use the information available in the WEB.

5. As consumers, let us make more noise because, for every centavos increase in fuel prices, in transport fares that is added to the cost of goods, it is always passed to us CONSUMERS that pays for it. When jeepney drivers ask for a raise and held a strike, it is for their own good, not us. But it is us consumers who pays for all this. We could not go to work, we loose a day's income. What did we do? NOTHING!!!!

1. because we are ignorant of our consumer rights - often we shiver at the thought of "no return no exchange policy"
2. because culturally, we are not a complaining people. we are simply ashamed to complain and demand our consumer rights and priveleges. why are there no class suits filed against the owners of many bankrupt pre-need plan companies?
3. because perhaps of amor propio - misused to mean that we consider ourselves destitute if we demand that we get an exact change from supermarkets instead of getting a piece of lead-laden labelled candies.

And because we are ignorant and ashamed, businesses exploit us. WE SHOULD GET OUT OF THIS "IGNORANCE TRAP".

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Growing Pains

Thanks to improvements in nutrition,health and parental care that our parents have provided us through these years. The average Filipino size have increased, albeit many horizontally rather than vertically. Unfortunately, our public transport system (hello, calling the Department of Transportation and Communication) have not kept pace with such development.

Using my self as gauge, standing 5 '10"inches and weighing proportionately, I could say I belong to the bigger 20 percentile of Filipinos. Yet, our public transport system, the jeepneys, tricycles and even planes, still thinks that our sizes are highly compressible, able to fit 20 for jeepneys designed for 16 passengers, tricycles designed for 3 to fit 7. Mind you, I am only talking about the seating capacity. If we include those "on-hangers, clingers, and roof seaters", then we see records of the "guiness book of records" challenged everytime.

Let us take the more sophisticated transport mode, the plane. The number of rows have been added to ensure that you are snuggly seated (for those whose height is 5'4" inches and below), "knees-touch your chin" seating style for those between 5'5" and 6'1" and those taller than 6'1", you will end up half standing but be warned for a chastise by those cute stewardesses to seat properly. My advice to those tall people is to take up yoga classes and for those very very tall ones, learn to become a contortionist before you even attempt to ride Cebu Pacific!

Why can't the government enforce a comfortable, safe standards for the public transport system? Is it because we promote private transport system and contribute more to global warming? Is it because we promote a business model that maximizes profits and punish the consumers? Operators often use declining profits as reason. Perhaps, we neeed to take a closer look at how these jeepneys and tricycles operate and remove all those "added cost". I take the jeepney regularly and everywhere you find jeepney drivers paying a toll to different barangays along the way. These are plain extortion and is no different from traffic enforcer mulcting drivers.

In many cities in the country, LTFRB has allowed those bonzai jeepneys (multi-cabs)taking as many passengers as a regular jeepney to proliferate. It may be comforting to those "maniacal" passengers to place their knees in the inner thighs to the discomfort of those seated on the opposite side.

As consumer, I am sure that I am willing to pay more comfort and safety.