Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm Back : going bananas on fuel prices for wrong reason

Its been a while since I last posted on this blog: One of the reasons is this:

The Philippine News media - has changed in the last few months in the way news are reported - highly reactionary to events rather than proactive; becoming a mouthpiece of interest groups rather than making an independent assessment. I will be focusing on my blogs with the hope to provide another perspective and to give readers the other side of things.

On rising fuel prices - the topic hugs the airwaves (i am an avid AM radio fan, not TV) and regularly hear the wails of radio commentators - lambasting government for the price hikes - as if the government could do something about it. Fact is - high prices of fossil fuel are here to stay - with dwindling sources, expensive methods of extraction and huge demand from galloping economies (BRIICS) that is not about to wane, its about time that the media refocus itself rage by engaging the people on ways to save energy consumption (fuel, electricity) and on urging the government to invest NOT ON SUBSIDIES but on putting the country on path to independence from fossil fuel. We are rich in geothermal resources, solar energy and wind. How much would the subsidy that the government is allotting for the transport section alone? How much has the government invested in renewable energy research and prototyping? Do your math on the cost benefit of these two investment path and compute it over say, 20 years. We know the answer.

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